hisownmaze wrote in
Apr 02, 2008 12:35
[ Agustrian Noble Families + Thomas Freege; Agustrian ]
We will not stand idly by and be destroyed. We will fight.
Alert your academies that they will be facing a threat of which we never thought we would face.
luukas nodion
hisownmaze wrote in
Feb 28, 2008 06:58
[ Filter: Agustrian Noble Houses ]
You will find that you may be getting guests in the near future. You will treat these guests with the utmost respect and cater to their needs as best as you can. These are the orders of my father King Ezekial.
luukas nodion
hisownmaze wrote in
Feb 22, 2008 10:19
[ Filtered: Filter: Houses Jungvy, Freege, Edda, Dozel, Velthomer, Chalphy and Miletos ]
The nation of Agustria will lend you refuge if you so wish to seek it.
luukas nodion